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How well do you know yourself

How well do you know yourself

Do you know yourself well? Probably the majority will immediately answer: of course, yes. But is it? Let's check. Of the three types of character, choose the one that best suits yours. First type. You do not like companies, prefer silence and walks in nature. Chatting with friends in a relaxed home environment is more enjoyable than evenings spent in noisy cafes. Because of this, your friends think that you are a boring person. The second type. You are rather frivolous, easily converge with people. But succumb to too frequent a change of mood: you are either sad or too cheerful. The third type. Your friends find that you are irreplaceable in the company. You have a sense of humor. You contribute to creating a good mood with others. You can laugh and tell interesting stories endlessly. Now check to see if your type matches what the test reveals. Answer the questions:

1. Love spicy foods?
2. Do you feel good in the company?
3. Do you sometimes want to jump from joy to the ceiling?
4. Can you entertain your guests?
5. Do you have frequent headaches?
6. Do you forget to brush your teeth at least sometimes?
7. Do you always wear the same hairstyle?
8. Do you like to solve crosswords?
9. Do you exercise?
10. Do you often have a melancholy mood?
11. Do you like to work in silence, in a relaxed atmosphere?

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